Wednesday, June 22, 2016

How to Add Songs To Blog with Autoplay Feature

My One Admin Of This blog will post our first post about ... "How to Add Songs On Blogs And Can Play song Alone" put a song on a blog is a uniqueness that can be perceived by visitors Blog, Useful so that visitors do not feel lonely or so Soothing to hear the songs that are on the blog ..

The TwoPartner's Okay .. I'm not going to elaborate on this Blog Started the first post: D

Thoroughly read and that you know and understand with who I want to see the ..
In the following tutorial "How to Add Songs On Blogs And Can Play song Alone" ...

1.Visit : SCM PLAYER
-After that, When out like this, Please Choose Skins will use, then click Edit Playlist, More Clearly, See Figure below

2.After that, you'll find pages like this, Explanation Image: 
1. For title track 
2. For URL Song (Can Copast From URL 
3.When No. 1 and 2 Have In Contents, click No. 3 To Try playing it, 
If the music you're going with this URL Pas, meaning Been Successfully 
4. For Removing Such songs

3.Thereafter, this will display a, 
= Auto Play = When in Tick, the currently open blog, Song will not autoplay Without having in Clicks by visitors 
= Shuffle Playback = When In Tick, songs will be rotated Randomly 
= Default adjust Volume Volume = Initial songs currently rotated (I Suggest, To be quite 50% only, because If More, Will surprise visitors) :V 
= Repeat Mode = To Set Repeat Song 
= Placement Of Player bar = To Organize Music player that we put in Blog 
= Show Playlist By Default = To Display the player by default Namely in Right side Blog 

After that, click Done To Solve ... 

4.Then you will Obtain HTML code According to the settings that we had do it ..
5. Copy the code as shown above and place:
= In the HTML template you by:
= Go to blogger
= Save Template
= Edit HTML
= Find <body> or <body (use CTRL + F to make it easier)
= Having met put the code that you copied the right under the code <body>

6. When finished, Save Template and then see the result. 

Well A few Tutorial About How to Add Songs On Blogs with AutoPlay Fiture
Umpteen From Me, for visiting Thank You ^^ 

#If doubt Or Not understood, Please leave comments ... 
