Recently renewed their application back on WhatsApp for Android, Windows PhoneBlackberry & 10. Whatsapp is now officially launched WhatsApp Web applications intended for desktop PC users. The existence of this WhatsApp Web application allows the PC user to access your account and communicate WhatsApp directly using their service. However in order to use this web service, the user account must have the PC WhatsApp first yaa in their smartphones. Because these web services need an account for login WhatsApp. How to log in any simple, PC users simply scan the QR code that exists on a Web page WhatsApp. Where can you find the QR code to log in? Go ahead towards the following link
1. Update WhatsApp application first to the latest version. You will find the "WhatsApp Web" in the Menu.
2. open the service "HERE" and you Web WhatsApp will find a display like this. Scan QR code via smartphone to log in.
3. If the login is successful, the packed display WhatsApp is there in thy smartphone will join displayed in a web browser. Like this ...
To be able to use the service, you must Web WhatsApp update WhatsApp application previously on his smartphone. Unfortunately, not all users of mobile platforms would be able to run his PC WhatsApp account. Smartphone users can use Web WhatsApp is users on Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone and BlackBerry 10. IOS?? Once again you have to be patient because this service yaa beam can be used for iPhone users.