Saturday, July 16, 2016

Download Pokemon Go APK for All CPU

Good evening ...
at this time the post, I will share game that was popular in the world.
on the tau kan? Yes, it's "Pokemon Go" Game from Nintendo, this has become a very popular game in the world today.

For those of you who are intrigued by this popular game, you can download "APK" on that link I provided below:

Well.. for those of you who have already downloaded the APK from the games, to how to Install and use you just follow the steps from me:
1. Install the apk Pokemon Go you downloaded earlier on your Android
2. do not open the game first, you turn on the GPS and Data on your smartphone in advance
3. If the GPS and Data have been active, then you go to the Pokemon Go.

Well, hopefully, his exclamation: v is indeed exciting anyway in my opinion, ho ho ho ...
