Baby Dragon is new troops in Clash of gaming Clans Supercell, released through the update a few days ago. The characters ' baby Dragon ' has the ability like Dragon, but with the cost of the elixir.
The video uploaded to YouTube by a Clash With Ash Clash Royale & Clash of Clans attack shows how using the Baby Dragon. Baby Dragon is also combined with other troops such as Balloon and Lava Hound.
The first time, gamers pull out troops Balloon first and accompanied by Lava Hound. After the Balloon was in front row, then continues with the Baby Dragon on the back.
Gamers need to also issue a Hero Grand Warden to assist in the invasion. In order to attack faster and stronger, gamers need to spend a Spell Rage or Spell Haste.
Finally, gamers could lose another Hero like Barbarian King Queen and Archer to sweep the remaining buildings.
Attack with the composition of the Baby Dragon and other troops allows gamers get a score of two stars. When lucky or base weak opponent, gamers likely can get a score of three stars.
The video uploaded to YouTube by a Clash With Ash Clash Royale & Clash of Clans attack shows how using the Baby Dragon. Baby Dragon is also combined with other troops such as Balloon and Lava Hound.
The first time, gamers pull out troops Balloon first and accompanied by Lava Hound. After the Balloon was in front row, then continues with the Baby Dragon on the back.
Gamers need to also issue a Hero Grand Warden to assist in the invasion. In order to attack faster and stronger, gamers need to spend a Spell Rage or Spell Haste.
Finally, gamers could lose another Hero like Barbarian King Queen and Archer to sweep the remaining buildings.
Attack with the composition of the Baby Dragon and other troops allows gamers get a score of two stars. When lucky or base weak opponent, gamers likely can get a score of three stars.