The requirement to change the version of Android is of course Android and already in a State of ROOTed.
Ingredients: Root Explorer.apk
And for Tutorial I will explain with the following:
1. Open Root Explorer
2. go to Sytem
3. then Durable build. prop, press Open With, and then tap the Text Editor ...
4. change ro. build. version release = * change as you wish *
5. Press Back, and when there is a Warning to SAVE, press Yes.
6. Then remove the build.prop.bak made automatically after changing the last
7. Reboot
Then now your android version is changed to the version you want
Screen Shot:
I am using ADVAN S4K OS Kitkat 4.4.2, and has become a Lollipop 5.0.1.
#this is just a Change In Writing Android Settings and such, This does not change the Operation System (OS)
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