Saturday, June 25, 2016

How to Change Signal Icon and H/H+ to LTE [Easy and Anti Bootloop]

Good Afternoon ...

In the posting this time I will share a very easy Tutorial about Android,
This tutorial Certainly matches the title that we discussed: v

In this way the Course I make sure It is not SistemUI by debunking that will lead to a Bootloop or system was not working when made a mistake in doing so,
For beginners this is undoubtedly because it would be very easy: v,

Simply Read, Check Out, And It Should

The requirement of course android you should already be in a State of ROOT

Okay, materials and Explanation which I will pass on before the start of this Tutorial is as follows:

Materials Downloaded on the Link below:

X-Posed Installer: CLICK HERE!!!


Examples Of Signal + LTE: CLICK HERE!!!

For Example the ScreeShot Signal can be seen in the picture below:

Or you could use an Icon signals from google: v

Okay, After all the materials Downloaded and ready to do this Tutorial, let's start: v

A. change the icon H/H + Becomes LTE
1.2Extrach an example Signal + LTE when will use this as the signal,
(I recommend Using LTE icon Icon from me: v * no force: v)
2.Install it first Xposed Installer downloaded earlier and click Install  > FrameWork>Reboot
3.Then Install the Resflux and after successful Installation do not open first
4.Activate The Modules By Means Of: Go To Xposed > Modules > Resflux Checkbox
5.Then Go To Xposed > FrameWork > Reboot
6.Then that way has been Resflux can be used,
7.Open Resflux, And Then Click Laboratory, (On The Select Target App Select System UI)
8.Then click the Drawable On top Menu, and Scroll down.
9.Then click like:
-"stat_sys_data_connected_e_sprd" replace with LTE Icon you downloaded earlier
-"stat_sys_data_connected_h_sprd" replace with LTE Icon you downloaded earlier
-"stat_sys_data_connected_hp_sprd" replace with LTE Icon you downloaded earlier
-"stat_sys_data_connected_lte_sprd" replace with LTE Icon you downloaded earlier
10.So that way you have Replace Icon H/H + Becomes LTE
11.Down to Up your signal change icon by clicking the following Writings:

-"stat_sys_signal_dafault_sprd" replace with icon


-"stat_sys_signal_in_sprd" replace with icon


-"stat_sys_signal_inout_sprd" replace with icon


-"stat_sys_signal_out_sprd" replace with Icon

12.Once Finished Reboot Using Xposed Installer.
13.H/H + icon has been changed to LTE: v.

B. Change The Signal Icon

1.Provide your Signals Each icon or from the example above I Signal: V
2.When Xposed is installed and Install it too hard, Aktivkan Modules Resflux by checking the box and Reboot.
3.Open Resflux > Laboratory > System UI Drawable >
-"stat_sys_signal_0_fully" with an empty signal Icon
-"stat_sys_signal_0_sprd" with an empty signal Icon
-"stat_sys_signal_1_fully" with the signal Icon Bar 1
-"stat_sys_signal_1_sprd" with the signal Icon Bar 1
-"stat_sys_signal_2_fully" with the signal Icon Bar 2
-"stat_sys_signal_2_sprd" with the signal Icon Bar 2
-"stat_sys_signal_3_fully" with the signal Icon Bar 3
-"stat_sys_signal_3_sprd" with the signal Icon Bar 3
-"stat_sys_signal_4_fully" with the signal Icon Bar 4
-"stat_sys_signal_4_sprd" with the signal Icon Bar 4
-"stat_sys_signal_null" with an Icon Cross signal (Signal not detected)
-"stat_sys_signal_standby_sprd" with an Icon Cross signal (Signal not detected)
4.After all is done, open the Last FrameWork Xposed > Reboot
5.Jreeng Jreeng: V Signal Icon Has Been Changed.

Well, Maybe much for a first Tutorial today, may be useful, When confused and do not understand can be asked in the comments ...
Thank You For Visiting :D: V

2 komentar

Nice Trick to change Signal icons and great tricks to use xposed installer.
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